Griechische und lateinische Philologie




Spring 2019

Latin Historiography (Julius Caesar)
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Responsibilities included lecturing, marking and developing course materials; the course includes a series of structured seminars focusing on various passages from Caesar’s De bello Gallico and De bello civili that the students read in Latin.

Autumn 2018

Roman Satire
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Responsibilities included lecturing, marking and developing course materials; the course includes a series of structured seminars focusing on various satirical poems from Lucilius, Horace, Persius, Juvenal and Martial that the students read in Latin.

Latin Unseens
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Responsibilities included lecturing, marking and developing course materials; focus on grammar revision, syntax, translation into Greek.

Spring 2018

Latin Historiography (Julius Caesar)
University of Thessaly
Responsibilities included lecturing, marking and developing course materials; the course included a series of structured seminars focusing on various passages from Caesar’s De bello Gallico and De bello civili that the students read in Latin.

Autumn 2015

Elementary Greek (Greek 1a)
University of Edinburgh
Responsibilities included lecturing, marking and developing course materials; focus on grammar revision, translation into English.

Autumn 2014

Advanced Latin (Latin 2a)
University of Edinburgh
Responsibilities included lecturing, marking and developing course materials; focus on developing reading skills, translation into English, palaeography, stylistic comparison.

Autumn 2013

Intermediate Latin (Latin 1c)
University of Edinburgh
Responsibilities included lecturing, marking and developing course materials; focus on grammar revision, translation into Latin.
